The show was created by David Lawrence, first as “The Help Desk,” and then became Online Tonight in 1994. David helmed the show six nights a week for many years, with Ms. Lili VonSchtupp as his navigator. The show was syndicated and broadcast by radio stations all over the US. It was the only show to have its own dedicated channel on XM/Sirus radio, channel 130, available 24/7 for more than 3 years.
Over the years, Online Tonight broadcast from the show floor at technology events, like MacWorld, CES, E3 and more.
David mentored Max, Victoria and 6-year-old Jennifer Smart in developing The Family Tech Show, and introduced them to their first stations. The Smarts quickly became members of the Online Tonight family, joining David at trade shows, in-studio, and as phone-in guests on his shows.
In 2007, the Smarts phoned in to the show every week with an update from their Smart Family Tour, where they were broadcasting from a different location around the US each week. David eventually retired from radio to pursue a career in acting (both on-camera and voiceover).
Max has taken over Online Tonight, now broadcasting LIVE on Saturdays and Sundays from 8PM – 11PM Pacific Time (11PM – 2AM Eastern Time).
P.S. You can find David and his award-winning voiceover curriculum at